Boksburg Child Welfare in need of PPE for staff and necessities for clients

The organisation is taking financial strain due to lockdown and some of their clients are in need of necessities

Boksburg Child Welfare is in full operation as per the level three lockdown regulations and is ready to serve the community.

Director of the local child welfare Vanessa Naidoo-Pillay explained that their offices are open and they are taking the necessary precautionary measures to curb the spread of the virus.

“Even though a non-profit organisation, we had to ensure our premises are safe for our clients and staff members. Our entire office was recently sanitised and the necessary personal protective equipment available for staff members and visitors. Furthermore, we purchased hand sanitiser and a hand thermometer. Employees and clients are also obliged to adhere to social distancing protocols at the office.”

However, the director stressed that they will appreciate it if the community could assist them with masks, sanitiser or screen visors as their staff members are also expected to visit clients outside the office.

“We would appreciate it if individuals or businesses could assist us. It will help us a lot. Our staff can wear it during visits or we can distribute it among our clients who don’t have access to protective gear,” she said.

Naidoo further explained that the organisation took financial strain due to the pandemic and that their clients are in need of necessities.


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“Boksburg welfare had many unforeseen expenses because of the pandemic; we’re not allowed to host fund-raising events to generate funds. Some of our clients are really struggling at the moment. They’re finding it difficult to make ends meet. They asked us if we could assist them with food parcels because they can’t receive foster care grants due to the lockdown.

“Therefore, we will be grateful if community members can donate non-perishable food, clothing, blankets and other winter necessities that we can give to our clients. Any amount of support will be much appreciated,” the director explained.

Pillay highlighted that they were notified that the Boksburg Court will not be taking new cases for foster care finalisation; however, they will continue to assist the community.

“We also urge the community to report cases of child abuse. We haven’t had many reports of child abuse or abandonment. The lockdown is making it difficult to become aware of such cases. The police are also actively handling these reports,” she added.

She said they take pride in providing a vital service to children and their families as the focus on child protection.


Local Child Welfare awaits guidance on how to operate during the lockdown

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