Adoptions at Boksburg SPCA up and running

Strict Covid-19 health regulations will be applied to every person visiting the SPCA to adopt an animal

The Boksburg SPCA is happy to announce that they are now open for adoptions under level 4 strict guidelines.

This comes after the National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) sent a request to the COVID Nerve Centre Committee on behalf of all SPCAs and animal welfare organisations around South Africa, asking for their permission to allow adoptions to re-open under the level four of lockdown.

According to Boksburg SPCA manager Vicky Finnemore, for now they are adopting out animals to Boksburg residents only by appointments with strict bio security in place.

“We are also open for vaccinations, microchips, dog food sales, blankets and dog jackets,” Finnemore said.

Level four adoption protocol

· Boksburg SPCA adoption visits will be by appointment only in 45-minute time slots.

· Please call the Boksburg SPCA office on 011 916 5906/7 ahead of time to book an adoption appointment.

· Adoption hours: Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm, Saturday 8.30am to noon.

· A maximum of two people per appointment, social distancing will apply at all times.

· A visitor register to be completed and temperature screening of all visitors will be undertaken.

· Public must wear masks and Boksburg SPCA has hand sanitisers available.

· If you have dogs at home, meet and greets will be by appointment only, limited to a maximum of two people.

· Home inspections will be undertaken by appointment in the SPCA’s jurisdiction with strict biosecurity measures.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Boksburg SPCA rescues dog tied to pole next to N3, seeks information about this deliberate act of cruelty

ALSO READ: Boksburg SPCA will only attend to emergencies

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