Security guard arrested after shooting man in the knee

The security guard reportedly told the police that the 25-year-old man attempted to attack him with a brick before he retaliated by shooting him in the knee.

The Boksburg North police have arrested a 45-year-old security guard who allegedly shot a 25-year-old man in the knee after he attempted to break up a scuffle between the 25-year-old and another man.

According to Boksburg North SAPS spokesperson Const Justice Ramaube, the security guard told police he found the 25-year-old fighting with another man and tried to intervene by separating them.

“The security guard said the 25-year-old attempted to attack him with a brick and he retaliated by shooting him in the knee. After shooting the 25-year-old, the 45-year-old called the police,” Ramaube said.

The 25-year-old was rushed to hospital and the 45-year-old security guard was arrested.

The firearm was confiscated and was registered with the exhibit register at the Boksburg North police station as evidence.

It was discovered that the firearm the security guard used belonged to the security company he worked for.

The police are investigating a case of attempted murder, while investigations are continuing.

Also Read: Police arrest five people for not adhering to lockdown regulations

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