Boksburg North officers spread some love among the elderly

About 200 muffins were handed out to the elderly who enjoyed every bite.

As part of the Boksburg North Social Crime Prevention initiative, police officers surprised the elderly from the Witfield Park Retirement Village with mouth-watering muffins on February 20.

According to Boksburg North police spokesperson Justice Ramaube, through the generous donation they received from Mark Gilpin, chairperson of the Boksburg North CPF, they were able to spoil the elderly during this month of love.

Having a chat with some of the elderly from Witfield Park Retirement Village is Sgt Frans Ledwaba.

Witfield Park Retirement Village resident Annatjie Viljoen (72) said she was keeping her muffins for her daughter who adores them.

Another resident, Gettie Swardt (73), said she enjoyed her delicious muffin.

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