
Reiger Park Police Station shows improvement in performance

Members are encouraged to continue going all out to rid the area of criminals, during the approaching festive season in particular.

Despite operating with insufficient resources, the monthly provincial performance charter shows that the Reiger Park Police Station made much improvement during September when compared to August.

The station has, however, seen a slight drop when it comes to detective services and human resources.

Management at the station attributed the slight drop in the detective department to the high numbers of cases withdrawn by the complainants – affecting the station’s detection and conviction rates.

Here are the full results from the police station (five star is the highest rating):

  • Crime prevention: September; position 46 (4 star), August; position 87 (improved by 15.54 per cent),
  • Detective services: September; position 96 (3 star), August; position 85 (slightly dropped by 2.59 per cent)
  • Human resources: September; position 68 (4 star), August; position 28 (drop by 11.3 per cent)
  • Reaction time: September; position 58 (4 star), August; position 57 (slightly improved by 0.67 per cent)
  • Station overall: September, position 38 (3 star), August; position 63 (improvement by 4.71 per cent).

The police station management team, led by Lt Col Paul Mathebula, reminded all those involved in making the community a safer place that their efforts and contribution do not go unnoticed.

“The precinct has during the period between October 1 and 25 seen six reported rapes, and it emerged that most of the victims were at the time of the sexual abuse drunk.

“So the Reiger Park police urge people to drink responsible, and that parents should refrain from leaving their little ones in the care of males known to have morally wrong behaviour.”

He warned the mothers not to leave their children with males because in most of the rapes the perpetrators are known or close family members to the victims.

“During October, we received six cases of rapes within our policing area and most of the victims were under the influence of alcohol.”

He advised the women to drink responsibly or not to drink alcohol.

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