Metro tackles illegal burning of scrap tyres in Lilianton

The metro has also confirmed a team had been deployed to investigate the reported environmental crisis.

The Ekurhuleni metro has acknowledged receipt of complaint about illegal burning of scrap tyres in Lilianton.

According to the metro spokesperson, Themba Gadebe, the relevant department investigated the matter on several occasions and had come up with a way to curb the environmental crisis.

Members of the community were also advised to report the crisis as and when it happens to the City of Ekurhuleni call centre on 0860 543 000 or the Disaster and Emergency Management Services on 011 458 0911 or the EMPD on 011 999 2405 or 011 999 2450.

ALSO READ: Residents bemoan burning of waste tyres, calls it poisoning the city

“If you don’t get any joy from these call centres, escalate the matter to Millicent Ndwalane, who may be reached at 011 999 1827,” said Gadebe.

Residents also complained about a local recycling company they said operates in the area illegally, which is apparently associated with all the environmentally unfriendly way of burning of scrap tyres and cables in the area.

“Inspections and investigations conducted by an official of the City on the premises revealed that there are no illegal burning of tyres and cables at the said premises. However, the land-use matters relating to the premises are getting attention from our town planning department,” said Gadebe.

Concerned residents previously accused officials of ‘lacklustre performance’ in dealing with the increasing amount of illegal burning of scrap tyres in their neighbourhoods.

According to one of the residents, Charlene Day, people have for years been openly flouting the by-laws by periodically burning stockpiles of used tyres, pumping toxins into the air and doubtlessly causing a serious pollution crisis, while authorities are looking the other way.

“Burning of tyres took place in the field on Buddolph and Solomon streets in Lilianton at 8.30am on October 30. A company in Field Road has also been burning some kind of chemical, causing air pollution in our area. When they burn their substances, we cannot breathe.

“The air is totally intoxicating with a white cloud of smoke covering our houses, and these incidents were reported to the Ekurhuleni environmental offices for investigation,” said Day.

Representatives of the community, however, recently complimented members of the EMPD on their efforts to curb the burning crisis in the area.

“We would like to extend our thanks to EMPD who patrolled Main Reef Road today (October 31) and impounded a truck loaded with scrap tyres. The truck driver claimed that he obtained the tyres from a truck company in Jet Park.

“This leaves some investigative work for Titus and Thabang to attend to.

“We are forever grateful to EMPD and would like to see this happen more often, till every last truck transporting tyres are removed from the roads as they only engaged in illegal activity,” said Day.

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