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Thieves make off with valuable goods in Boksburg

Below are some of the serious thefts recently reported to the Boksburg police:


Thieves forced their way into a business on Rondebult Road in Comet and stole truck batteries. The complainant told the police that he closed the business at about 6pm on October 2.

The following day he received a call from the security company informing him that there had been a break-in at the business. He went to the premises and discovered that the truck batteries were gone.

• In Parkrand, thieves broke the burglar bars and a window to enter a residential house in Plomer Street and stole valuable items while the family was asleep.

The homeowner told the police that he went to sleep at about 10pm on October 2, but when he woke up at about 5am the following morning he noticed that someone had forcefully entered the house and stolen a TV set, a PlayStation, a handbag and other goods. The stolen goods were insured.

• In Andrews Street, Libradene, burglars forced their way into a residential house and stole a computer and modem on October 2. The stolen items were insured.

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