
Occupied substation in city poses a safety threat

It appears that the occupants broke the ceiling to gain access to the substation.

A substation between Martin School and Spartacus Complex in Paul Smit Road seems to be occupied by vagrants.

A concerned resident at Spartacus recently informed the Advertiser about the situation that could have disastrous consequences for both people and property.

The resident said they were oblivious until there was a power failure and the metro had to open the substation to restore the power.

“I was shocked to see what it looks like inside the substation and it was clear that people occupied it. There’s a bed and it looks like a bottle store. There’s even a trolley in there,” said the resident, who wishes to remain anonymous for safety reasons.

“One can only feel for the homeless trying to survive the elements, but the choice of location is extremely dangerous.

It appears as if vagrants are gaining access to the substation by climbing through the roof.

“You have to stand on the transformer to get in and out of the substation. What makes it more hazardous is that the oil in the transformers is leaking all over the floor. It’s a high risk for them and the complex. I don’t know what they’re going to do if the substation bursts into flames.

“We only want them gone for safety reasons.”

According to the resident, it is nearly impossible to tell how many people have occupied the building.

The Advertiser is still awaiting comment from the metro.


No more sleeping in Atlas Road substation




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