Mine sludge muddies Sunward Park

Mine waste water reportedly began spilling from a pipe at the site of the mining operations near the Sunward Park Hospital on Thursday (May 23)

Residents believe that the leak was caused by a rupture of one of the pipes transporting mining tailings, causing the release of an apparent toxic mud-like mining waste into the open veld and some of the sludge then flowed into the nearby playing field.

The incident, described by locals as an environmental disaster and health hazard, saw the sludge covering the Sunward Park sport stadium and fouled lawns along the area.

According to residents, workers were seen trying to clean up the massive spill of sludge on Thursday and Friday.

Residents, however, complained that although steps were taken to clean up the area, the effect of the spill could last for years.

“This is a disaster. When this dries up we are all going to eat dust and it is very dangerous for those with asthma and other lung conditions,” said a concerned resident Ilse du Preez.

Preez is also concerned that the sludge is most likely to affect the children who play sport there, saying they should ideally not be allowed to use the field until it is cleared and the environment is deemed safe.

The Advertiser is still awaiting comment from the Department of Mineral Resources.

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