Seven homes in Boksburg ‘invaded’ by robbers

In one house in Cinderella, three robbers entered a home and stole valuable items, including a Samsung flat screen, laptop and jewellery


A gang of armed thugs stormed a residential property on Klavier Road in Sunward Park Sunward Park, taking the homeowners by surprise on July 26.

The victim was working on his laptop in the study room while his wife was in the bathroom when the intruders arrived and threatened them with firearms. They then helped themselves to valuable home contents, including a TV set and jewellery.

The robbers jumped over the fence to exit the property and vanished into thin air. No injuries were reported and the property is insured. Police are still hunting for the robbers.

* In Parkrand, thieves entered a residential house on July 27 and stole goods worth thousands of rand while the occupants of the house were asleep.

The victim told the police that he woke up at about 4am and noticed that the alarm had gone off, apparently after detecting the intruders.

Upon further investigation, he and his wife discovered that the TV set, jewellery and a Samsung flat screen, were missing. It was later discovered that the thieves forced open one of the windows to enter the house. The stolen items and the house are insured. Police are investigating a housebreaking case.

* In Bigwood Avenue, Cinderella, three robbers entered a home and stole valuable items, including a Samsung flat screen, laptop and jewellery on July 27.

The victim, a woman, was home alone when the thugs armed with a crowbar arrived and forced their way into the house and started to steal valuable goods. No injuries were reported, and police are investigating the matter.

* At Brink Avenue, Parkrand, a gang of robbers entered a house and held the homeowner at gunpoint before stealing jewellery worth thousands of rand on Friday night, July 27.

The victim told the police that the thugs forced their way into the house, pointed her with a gun in the bedroom, before stealing a wrist watch, necklace, bracelet and earrings, and fled the scene. Police are investigating a house robbery case.

Thieves crowbarred the kitchen door of a Parkrand house and stole the homeowner’s high-priced ring on July 27. The victim, a woman, told the police that she left home in the morning and when she returned in the evening, she discovered that she had fallen victims to the Boksburg’s never-ending series of crimes.

The stolen ring is insured, and police are investigating a case of burglary and theft.

* In Cresta Road, Sunward Park, thieves forced opened a window to enter a residential house and stole a TV set and a cellphone. The items were stolen from the bedroom of the victim while he was asleep on July 27. All stolen items are insured.

Thieves reportedly recently made off with about R1-million worth of goods from a business located on Haggie Road, Dunswart.

The complainant told the police that burglars forced their way into the business building and stole computers, batteries, copper cables and tools. Police are investigating a case of burglary at business premises.

* In Albrecht Road, Sunward Park, car thieves entered a residential property and stole a blue Toyota RunX while the owner was still asleep on July 30. The car is equipped with a tracking device and is insured. Police are investigating the matter.

* At Gerardi Street, Parkdene, thieves forced the gate off the rail and proceeded to the house where they forced open one of the doors to gain entry and stole goods worth thousands of rand on July 30. The stolen items included cellphones, laptops and other valuable goods.

To escape harm from an armed balaclava-clad robber, a man and his family resorted to locking themselves in one of the bedrooms of the family house on July 31.

The victim told the police that he and his family were about to exit the house when the armed men entered the property running.

He ran back into the house and took his family into one of the bedrooms. The gunman tried to open the door but was unsuccessful.

After realising that the thug had left, the family exited the bedroom and found that their two TV sets and cellphones were stolen.


Be on alert: Crime wave of stolen vehicles hits Boksburg

Brace yourself brave citizen, crime will not be ending .

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