Motorcyclist accosted at knife point

In other cases, two vehicles were stolen in Boksburg

On July 27, a motorcyclist was riding along Kruger Street, Boksburg, when, out of the blue, an Uno Fiat forced him on to the side of the road, forcing him to stop.

Thereupon, the men jumped out of the Uno and accosted him.

One of them threatened the rider with a knife before they stole his motorcycle and fled the scene.

* A Van Dyk Park man had his vehicle stolen after he parked it outside a property on Killian Avenue, Cinderella, on July 27.

The vehicle is insured and police are investigating a theft of motor vehicle case.

* A Windmill Park man was left stranded after thieves stole his white Mazda 323 sedan while parked on the roadside near the corner of Eloff and Market streets, Boksburg CBD.

The vehicle is not insured and is not equipped with any tracking device.

ALSO READ: Burglars make off with thousands of rand worth of stolen goods

Three vehicles stolen in Sunward Park, another at Boksburg 

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