Sunflower Fund calling out the hero in all of us

Bone Marrow Stem Cell Donation and Leukaemia Awareness Month is commemorated annually from August 15 to October 15.

The Sunflower Fund is calling out the hero in all South Africans to support bone marrow stem cell donations and the fight against leukemia.

The fight against leukaemia and other blood diseases is all about you, your family, friends, peers and the community.

Alana James, CEO at The Sunflower Fund, said every one can do something to make a difference to patients needing a blood stem cell transplant.

The theme of this year’s campaign is ‘There is a hero is all of us’.

“The action is simple – purchase your Tube of Hope (tope) and celebrate Sunflower Day,” said James.

She describes a tope as an appealing, trendy and multi-purpose accessory which can be worn as a headband, mask, scarf, cap or arm band.

“Topes will be available for R30 each at Pick n Pay stores across the country, selected independent pharmacies or online at Zando during August and September 2018.

“We are very excited about this year’s design, which comes in six vibrant colours, with an introduction of a grey option and inspired by a message of hope.

“We hope to see everyone wearing their TOPE on Sunflower Day in support of our patients and survivors and to raise awareness about the very important and urgent topic of blood stem cell donation.”

“The campaign aims to draw people out of ‘slacktivism’ and get them mobilised and engaged around a simple action. Just choosing to do something for someone else and expecting nothing in return brings out the hero in all of us.

“To see our topes being worn with pride is not just an honour for us, but a salute to our survivors, our fighters  and our memories of loved ones; it is a show of support, a statement of hope,” said James.

School’s competition

The Sunflower Fund will again be running their school’s competition.

“Youngsters across SA are able to play their part by helping us to raise funds and awareness about the need to recruit donors for stem cell donation,” added James.

“The social media engagement and the support from our partners, patients and communities is truly inspiring during the Sunflower Day campaign.

“Most importantly, it also serves as a reminder to the nation of one of our very critical goals: to ensure that South Africa has an ethnically diverse source of potential blood stem cell donors, who are committed to help save lives.”

Funds raised 

She pointed out that blood diseases are no respector of age, gender or race and the patients impacted cover a broad age spectrum and all race groups.

“Funds raised will offer the hope of life to patients in need of a life-saving blood stem cell transplant. All monies raised goes towards recruiting donors to The Sunflower Fund’s blood stem cell registry.

“We once again, aim to sell 200 000 topes and encourage both our loyal and new supporters to rally together and get on board to help us reach our goal,” James concluded.

One can also download collateral for posters and social media from The Sunflower Fund’s website.

“The public can also help the Fund with financial contributions to assist the fundraising efforts for the tissue-typing test costs and the patient support fund. Visit to make a quick and easy cash donation.”

For more information or to register contact The Sunflower Fund on toll-free number 0800 12 10 82.

About the Sunflower Fund

The Sunflower Fund is a donor recruitment centre and stem cell registry that is part of a global network, dedicated to creating awareness about blood diseases and stem cell donation, recruiting blood stem cell donors and maintaining a registry of committed donors.

James said the Sunflower Fund pays for the cost of the tissue-type testing.

“This is fundamental to saving the lives of South Africans who need a stem cell transplant. The chance of finding a matching donor is 1 in 100 000 – and as ethnic origin plays a significant role in the search for a donor, South Africa’s rainbow nation is at a distinct disadvantage, requiring a large pool of prospective donors.”

ALSO READ: Sunflower Fund – hope begins with you

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