Ward councillor demands action to address manhole cover thefts

The ward councillor is calling on the metro to urgently cover the holes with non-metal manhole covers and drainage grates before someone gets hurt.

Ward 32 Councillor Marius de Vos raised concerns about the upward trend in the thefts of steel road infrastructure assets, such as manhole covers, drainage grates and road signs.

The Advertiser has also discovered that dozens of the city’s cast-iron and steel manhole covers have been stolen in the last few months throughout Boksburg.

This has placed motorists and pedestrians in danger. Some of the missing grates were used to cover drains that can drop about a metre below street level.

De Vos believes that scrap metal scavengers are the culprits, saying they sell these covers to scrap yards for cash.

Among the steel road infrastructure assets that had gone missing are the manhole covers which were used to cover the two drains at the corner of Hospital Road and Commissioner Street, corner Trichardts and Cason roads as well as the one that was located along Main Reef Road in the Angelo informal settlement.

“There are missing manhole covers all over town. Council has to do something about these thefts,” said de Vos.

He also urges both drivers and pedestrians to watch out for the open holes in the roads and roadsides.

Anyone who witnesses someone pulling up or in possession of a grate is encouraged to call the police immediately on 011 841 6845.

The Advertiser is awaiting comment from the metro.

ALSO READ: Report stolen manhole covers to the metro 

GOOD NEWS: Metro introduces plastic manhole covers 

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