Newly elected Youth Desk members to tackle crime and social ills

Youth Desk will prioritise several crimes and social ills such as sexual assaults, robbery, assault GBH, alcohol and drug abuse, murder, and faction fights among different gangs.

The Reiger Park SAPS and CPF welcome the newly-elected Reiger Park SAPS Crime Prevention Youth Desk executive committee members, as well as the ordinary members who have recently joined the team.

The Youth Desk’s main responsibility includes helping the police curb crime in the different communities within the Reiger Park policing precinct.

These areas include Reiger Park, Ramaphosa, Delmore Gardens, Delmore Park and all the informal settlements within the precinct.

Sector Three manager Sgt Lufuno Mudzuli said the police believe that the youth have the power to make their communities a safer place, therefore, he is encouraging more young people to join the Youth Desk so that they can participate in changing their communities for the better.

Mudzuli encouraged young people to stay away from drugs and avoid committing crimes.

“We want the youth to act as the ears and eyes for us (the police). Those who continue to turn a blind eye on crime must know that they are partly to blame for the crime situation in their communities, in fact, they are failing their own communities,” said Mudzuli.

To report any criminal activity or perpetrators of crime to the police, residents may dial 011 916 7000 or call the sector vans on 071 675 6990/5/7362.


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