Scribante waits in anticipation for lifts from China

Contractors were appointed in February of this year to repair the lifts, but the work only began three months later.


It seems there is finally hope at Andries Scribante Haven in Cason, even though for now that hope is but a glimmer of light.

The story about broken lifts at Scribante is not news to the community of Boksburg. The Advertiser has reported on the residents’ struggle to navigate the flight of stairs daily, on numerous occasions.

Construction on the broken lifts began on May 29. Residents are extremely excited although the construction site makes it difficult for them to move around.

According to Reggie Ramovha from Mikano Consulting and Project Management, the new lifts are coming from China.

“The project might possibly only be finished in September 2018, as the lifts could be delayed at customs,” said Ramovha.

It has been a long time coming since the Advertiser first reported on the broken lifts in June 2017.

Ward councillor Marius de Vos said that the delay in replacing the lifts is a result of an IPW document indicating what work should be done. This was only signed by the metro on May 28.

According to de Vos, the contractors were appointed in February of this year, but the work only began three months later.

Ramovha said the delay is a result of issues not accounted for – like the shaft having no light and the water that has accumulated inside the broken lifts.

“The bill of quantities had to be agreed upon, as there were various unanticipated issues.” said Ramovha.

The lifts at Scribante will not be fixed, but replaced entirely, as the current broken lifts are so old that parts for them are not being manufactured anymore.

At the moment, the construction crew can only prepare the site for the installation of the lifts. Once the lifts arrive, it will take a couple of weeks before the lifts are installed.

“This delay, in my view, is unfortunate. It is typical metro who postpones something that could have been done in good time.” said de Vos.

According to de Vos, this is prolonging the stress of the elderly at Scribante and this is in contrast to the mission and vision of the metro.

“However, I am happy that it is eventually happening, so that these residents can go to leading a normal life.”

Although it is step in the right direction, the reality stays the same. The elderly residents of Andries Scribante Haven will have to use the stairs for an undetermined number of months to come because the lifts are going everywhere but up.

ALSO READ: Lifts at Andries Scribante Haven still not going anywhere

Metro in process of repairing lifts at Andries Scribante Haven

Help on the way for Scribante

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