
Municipality sets up a land invasion unit within the EMPD

The unit has been tasked with the responsibility of managing and preventing all illegal land invasions in the metro.

The Ekurhuleni metro has stressed land grabs will not be tolerated.

This follows recent land grab attempts in and around Boksburg.

To prevent further land invasion, the metro has established a land invasion unit within the EMPD.

“The metro always encourages the members of the community to exercise their democratic rights to raise service delivery issues, but this must be done within the framework of the law,” said the metro’s spokesperson, Themba Gadebe.

“Therefore, no illegal activities such as illegal land occupation will be tolerated at any given stage by the metro.”

Gadebe, however, said the metro doesn’t know where the people involved in the latest land grab in Boksburg came from, adding that it was not in the position to confirm who the masterminds behind the seizure of land are.

The Advertiser has, however, discovered the land grabs were organised by EFF members in Ward 21.

The chairperson of the EFF in Ward 21, Callman Morena, confirmed they are responsible for the recent invasion of the council-owned piece of land next to Life Esidimeni Waverley Care Centre, near Knights Railway Station.

“It is true that we (representatives of the EFF) led the group of people living in dangerous places in the nearby different informal settlements to the land in Marlands and allocated them stands,” he said.

The metro has also revealed the names of the rightful owners of the vacant piece of land recently targeted by land invaders in Boksburg.

• The remaining part of Driefontein 85IR belongs to the Witwatersrand Gold Mining Realisation Trust

• Portion 24 Driefontein 85IR belongs to the City of Ekurhuleni and 396 Driefonetin 85IR belongs to Kiron Development. -@MthuphaFanie

ALSO READ: Land grabbing hits home in Boksburg 

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