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Child Protection Week: Look out for the signs of child exploitation

National Child Protection week is held this year from May 27 to June 3. During this time, awareness is raised regarding the rights of children.

The last week of May is National Child Protection week, but the Boksburg Child Welfare celebrates and focuses on the rights of children throughout May.

The campaign also seeks to mobilise all sectors of society to care for and protect children. Child Protection Week allows for welfare to shine a spotlight on children’s issues and highlight successes and identify what still needs to be done.

“This year we are focusing more on younger children, as they remain easy targets for child trafficking and exploitation.”

The local welfare uses this time of the year to raise much-needed awareness of the dangers that children face.

Boksburg Child Welfare provided the Advertiser with some tips on how parents or adults can help prevent child exploitation and child trafficking:

Know the signs:

  • Unexplained money or gifts
  • Becoming secretive
  • Disengaging from family or friends
  • Ensure an open communication with your children

Be open to talk to your children about anything that may be bothering them. It is important for children to know that they can speak to their parents about anything they may feel uncomfortable with. That will make it easier for them to approach you when they feel scared or feel they may be in danger. Parents should listen to their children and not fault-find.

Get to know their interests

  • Showing interest in what your children are interested in will make them feel comfortable around you and it will also make them involve you in what they enjoy doing. This will also assist you in keeping an eye on what they are doing and how safe it is.

Get to know their friends and where they spend their time if not at home

  • Getting to know the friends that your child is associated with is very important because it can give you an idea of the kind of people your child hangs around with. Then it will be easier to have a talk with your child if there is something that may not be right with his or friends. This is also a way for you to know the whereabouts of your child if she or he is not at home.

Check their social media

  • Social media is possibly the most dangerous place for children because it is where they meet people who are involved in trafficking. It is important to check their social media so that you can explain to them if you see that there is suspicious behaviour.

Anyone can be trafficked or exploited, but children who are abused, homeless or in foster care and run away are more vulnerable.

Signs that a child is being exploited

  • Cannot explain his/her whereabouts
  • Spends longs hours away from home without being able to explain
  • Shows fear and anxious behaviour
  • Was hired under false pretences
  • Inconsistent with his or her stories
  • Not attending school
  • Unexplained physical harm
  • Having gifts or items (usually expensive in nature) that cannot be accounted for
  • When dealing with toddlers on issues of safety, talk about ‘stranger danger’
  • Not getting into a stranger’s car
  • Not accepting gifts from strangers
  • Not to talk to strangers
  • Always play in a safe area where a responsible adult or parents can see you.
  • Never tell a stranger your name and address.
  • Do not invite a stranger into the house.
  • Do not open the door for strangers when alone at home.
  • If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, tell someone you trust (mom, dad, police, teacher or anyone you trust).

ALSO READ: Child Protection Week: Society can help stop abduction of young girls

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