Bogus police roadblock: Family still seeking answers following tragic shooting

An appeal has been made to the public to assist with necessary to close the case

Did you notice any suspicious activity last year December 21 on the R59 highway?

A mother of three from Bardene, Lindy Kleinschmidt wants the public to help track down her husband’s killers.

Her husband, Thomas, was killed on the R59 highway allegedly by bogus police who staged a roadblock.

According to Lindy, her husband was on duty on the day as an armed escort for the company he worked for.

“Whilst my husband was en route on the R59, at the Swartkoppies offramp, the truck was stopped by armed officers dressed in full uniform and marked police vehicles.

“The truck driver was instructed to get out of the vehicle as the bogus police inspected the licence disc of the vehicle.”

She said her husband kept his distance in the vehicle he was driving but eventually moved closer when he realised it was a police roadblock.

“He was then confronted by the two officers who asked him why he had stopped as they wanted the truck to stop.”

Lindy said after her husband explained that he is an armed escort for the truck, he was then asked to produce a licence and permits for verification.

According to witnesses, he was then asked to step out of the vehicle and moved to the back of the vehicle.

Lindy said the witness said no force or violence was present at that time and a single shot was heard.

“The witnesses were forced into Thomas’s vehicle and told to lay still and not move. The truck driver was forced into the alleged police vehicle and dropped off in an open veld,” she said.

Kobus Meyer, who worked with Thomas and is a former investigator, said from their own investigations it was established that Thomas’s vehicle was moved from the highway and parked with the two witnesses inside.

“The truck was moved to the next offramp at Klipriver Road and was left abandoned. All Thomas’s personal belongings and a rifle were left inside his car.”

“The cargo on the truck was not touched as it was left locked up in the truck.”

He said Thomas’s body was found dragged from where he was shot to a hidden bush under a tree.

According to Meyer, a witness was traced who confirmed that he passed the same ‘roadblock’ a minute before the above incident.

“The witness confirmed that these ‘police officers’ were in full uniform with bulletproof vests. From my experience as a private investigator and ex-policeman, it is clear that this was a planned crime that went wrong when Thomas was shot and killed.

“It’s clear that the crime scene was cleaned up by moving Thomas’s body to a secluded spot, picking up the cartridge and abandoning the vehicles as they only took a pistol and cellphones.”

Lindy said after her husband passed away it’s been tough on them as a family.

“My children have been going for counselling and for them it’s been a big adjustment to lose their dad.

“We haven’t had closure because we know that his killers are still roaming the streets.”

Lindy Moloi of Brackendowns SAPS said: “We have opened a case of murder and no suspects have been apprehended so far.

“The SAPS checked which of their vehicles and officers were on duty that day. The description of the police vehicles and our vehicles did not match. We believe the said officers were bogus police.”

The investigation continues.

“We now rely on other similar incidents to expose this syndicate and hopefully valuable information or witnesses will come forward and assist.”

Anyone with information or who might have experienced a similar incident with the same modus operandi on the R59 highway or surrounding places may contact Kobus Meyer on 083 789 9990.

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