
Watch: Reaction to State of the City Address

“I think someone is either misleading the mayor, or he is out of touch with Ekurhuleni.” - the DA

Reacting to the mayor’s speech, Phillip de Lange (DA) said: “The mayor’s speech lacked imagination. It was uninspiring and it didn’t speak to issues that people are facing.

“There were three things that were not spot-on in his speech – he mentioned unemployment, but he didn’t say how he’s going to ensure that people get jobs.

“Secondly, the mayor said if people are on council-owned land, the government will deliver services to them, which I think will allow people to grab land.

“Thirdly, he spoke about sanitation. As far as the DA is concerned, chemicals toilets, if they are not treated with chemicals, become pit toilets or bucket toilets. In some wards residents have taken these toilets into their own yards, leaving residents stranded.

Chief whip of council Jongizizwe Dlabathi said: “The mayor’s speech indicated that we are on the right track in terms of service delivery and development in Ekurhuleni.”

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