DA claims 57 members of child protection unit are convicted criminals

Some of the crimes include driving under the influence of alcohol, reckless or negligent driving, fraud, loss of firearms and defeating the ends of justice and theft.

The DA said it is deeply disturbed by a reply to a parliamentary question which reveals that 57 police officers working at the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offenses (FCS) units have criminal records.

DA shadow minister of police Zakhele Mbhele said in a statement last week that the DA calls on the police minister to urgently brief Parliament’s Police Portfolio Committee on how they intend to root out the members who have criminal records.

According to Mbhele, these members’ crimes include at least three cases of culpable homicide, seven of common assault, two of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm and one instance of pointing a firearm.

Other crimes include driving under the influence of alcohol, reckless or negligent driving, fraud, loss of firearms and defeating the ends of justice and theft.

“These are not the kind of people who should be working with children or the victims of domestic or sexual violence.

“It is quite clear from the questionable conduct of these members that they cannot be entrusted with the responsibility of addressing the extremely high levels of violence against women and children.

“This is an indictment on both the minister of police and the entire SAPS leadership.

“It is totally unacceptable that the FCS units have compromised members,” said Mbhele.

He added that the DA would hold the minister of police to account to root out these officers and to replace them with untainted individuals who will diligently bring justice to the victims and survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence.

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