Pigeon “art” must go so that the arts can once again take flight in Boksburg

Show your support to restore the 'Penguin Room' to its former glory


The Boksburg Creative Art Centre celebrates its 20th anniversary in April and the custodian of the centre, Barry de Villiers, has only one wish for this special occasion.

“I would love to see our ‘Penguin Room’ restored to its former glory.”

The Penguin Room, which got its name after a donation of art supplies was received from Penguin stationers, is upstairs in the art centre and was, up until three years ago, used for all sorts of wonderful activities like prize-givings, lectures, exhibitions and glorious musical and themed events.

The room’s fate has been sealed by broken window panes or, more specifically, pigeons which came in through the broken windows and proceeded to create their own form of “art” all over the furnishings, walls and floor.

It may seem unreal that nobody has repaired the window panes to put paid to the feathery squatters, but it isn’t quite that simple – the window panes in question are more than 20m up in the roof of the Penguin Room.

“I remember many years ago we also had to repair window panes and the fire department kindly assisted us with their very long ladder,” said de Villiers.

“We haven’t managed to get assistance from anyone else in the past three years. It is such a pity for this room to just be standing there, covered in pigeon poop.”

De Villiers said the community will benefit tremendously from the Penguin Room being rescued.

“Children and adults will be able to come and enjoy all kinds of artistic activities here with us, free of charge. We really look forward to that.”

Students of the Creative Art Centre would love to get the Penguin Room restored to its former glory. Here they are enjoying their professional painting lessons with Barry de Villiers (back, second from right). Front: Annique Bester (12), her brother, Zian (10), and Elsabé Smit. Back: Werner Hendriks, Letitia van Schoor and Linda Opperman.
Opening the way for exhibitions

What de Villiers would love to host if the Penguin Room reopens is an exhibition of the works of all the art students who have attended his professional painting classes over the years.

“Some of them have become very successful and we’d love to invite them back to showcase their work in the Penguin Room,” he said.

“If we can get the windows repaired, the clean-up can happen. I am really hoping someone – with a very long ladder and an open heart – will step forward and offer to help.”

The Creative Art Centre is situated at 44 Market Street, in the CBD. De Villiers offers professional painting classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, from 9am to 12pm. Anyone interested in joining can contact him on 011 917 7085.

So, while birds of a feather certainly do flock together at the Boksburg Creative Art Centre, all agree the pigeons must go!

If anyone in the community can assist by buying and replacing the window panes or would like to be involved in helping to clean up and get the Penguin Room back to full use, they should contact the Advertiser at lanan@caxton.co.za or 087 285 6456.

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