Cheer Fund keeps climbing to epic heights

SPCA manager Maggie Mudd is over the moon, saying the support has been “amazing” and “much better than last year”.

To date, the Boksburg SPCA Christmas Cheer Fund has raised R74 845!

These are the latest donations:

* Trem Adendonff (R824): For all the animals.

* J Muntingh (R1 000): In memory of Lady and Bonnie.

* Denel Aeronautics (R7 921): For all the strays.

* Lynda Alexander/Hellen Winter and staff at Curves Beyers Park (R1 140): In memory of Benji and Luke, for all the animals.

* Douglas and Charleew (R200): Woof Woof.

* CJ Vosloo (R100): For Sheba

* Coppin (R200): For Penny.

* Peter Fischer (R2 010): For Miley and all those who have gone before her.

* Peter Roux (R1 000): Memory of Zorro.

* Karen’s Hair Studio (R700): For all animals.

* Val Chapman (R500): For all animals.

* Monique (R10): Merry Christmas.

* Derrick (R20): Thank you.

* Molly (R800): Thank You.

* F.J Nalicsek and Liquor City (R 1000): To all the furry animals.

* Hary (R90).

* Caitlyn (R230): I hope more animals get homes.


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