
Two suspected hijackers caught in Morganridge

Boksburg North SAPS officers arrested two men suspected of hijacking a motor vehicle on November 6.

According to Capt Juanita Coetzer of the Boksburg North SAPS, Const Ismail Malesa and his team from Boksburg North SAPS were patrolling in Kanon Street, Morganridge at about 8.55pm on November 6 when they noticed a suspicious VW Polo with three occupants.

The officers indicated to the driver to pull over. “The vehicle then sped away. Police gave chase and the suspects kept driving faster. Suddenly, the vehicle slowed down and two men jumped out and tried to flee,” said Coetzer.

“The driver was arrested by the police, who also called for back-up. Other SAPS members then arrested one of the other suspects.

“The vehicle was found to have been hijacked in Duduza.”

The suspects were detained.

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