Soul Shack’s statement on officer-involved shooting

The Soul Shack management has issued a statement on the Friday night deadly shooting at the Soul Shack pub and restaurant located in Trichards Street.

A man died after being allegedly shot by an off-duty police officer at the establishment on Trichardts Road, Eveleigh, on Friday night, October 27.


Below is the Soul Shack statement published on the business’s Faceboook page regarding the incident.:

To all our family, friends, patrons, and service providers:

After a very unfortunate, and isolated, incident on our premises last night we wish to first and foremost apologise for any trauma to any and all who were present during the incident.

To our countless friends and loyal patrons we humbly ask for your continued support, understanding, patience, and prayers.

Secondly, and as equally as important, we want to make a short statement to stop the number of very inaccurate stories currently being circulated on various social media platforms regarding the incident.

The incident is currently subject to an ongoing police investigation, we therefore unfortunately cannot divulge too much information.

We can however make the following statement of fact:

1. Last night, an unknown man assaulted a patron, and was immediately and professionally removed from our premises by our security personnel.

2. The assailant later returned armed with a pistol.

3. Our security personnel, at great personal risk, attempted to restrain the armed aggressor.

4. An off-duty police officer bravely apprehended the assailant, with fatal consequences to the assailant. Accordingly we all owe a huge gratitude to the police officer whose prompt actions prevented further casualties.

We wish to emphasis that was an isolated incident that could have occurred at any venue, therefore we humbly request people to refrain from spreading unfounded and malicious rumours.

We wish to thank all the Soul Shack staff, patrons, emergency personnel, law enforcement officers, family and management who acted bravely and professionally during and after this incident.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and we welcome your continued support during this difficult time.

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