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Tips to keep your pets safe during Diwali

Diwali (October 18 and 19) can be great fun for people, but light, noise and colour can be frightening and chaotic for pets.

It is important to understand that pets have stronger hearing powers than human beings which makes them vulnerable to a host of fears, anxieties and health ailments.

The Boksburg SPCA advises pet owners to ensure their animals have some form of identification (either a collar and ID disc or microchip, or preferably both) in case they manage to escape from their properties.

“If pet owners know their animals are frightened by the loud bangs of fireworks, they should go to a vet and purchase some form of tranquiliser that can be administered before the noise begins as these will help to calm frightened animals,” said SPCA manager Maggie Mudd.

“Other things that can be done are to ensure that the animal is secured in a room where they are not able to escape and that a radio or TV is on to help block out the noise.

This room should preferably not have windows as dogs have been known to jump through glass windows in futile attempts to escape the bangs and whistles.”

Husky Rescue South Africa offers five tips to keep your pets safe during Diwali:

1. You should take your pet for a short walk in the day time before the Diwali celebrations begin.

2. Keep your pet indoors and in a familiar room. Pets have a heightened sense of hearing so the loud noises cause them to flee in search of a safe haven.

3. Shut all the windows and doors so as to lessen the noise of crackers and keep your pet supplied with sufficient food and water. Further, you can turn up the volume on the television to help mask the sounds of fireworks.

4. If your pet is prone to acute distress or anxiety, check the veterinarian’s availability beforehand, in case the need arises. In addition to this, you can slowly accustom your pet to having cotton in its ears.

5. You should never punish your pet in any way for being afraid of noise.

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