Hiking club’s September meeting blossoms with new faces, new website

The Boksburg Hiking Club meeting was abuzz with activity on September 6

Some said the great turnout of members and first-timers was due to the boerewors rolls which were on sale to raise extra money for the club – but the truth is the club enjoys wonderful support and the members are one big happy family who love getting together.

Club chairman Ron Pratt welcomed new faces, including a local family with two small children.

Andrew Langden said they saw the details of the hiking club’s meetings in the Advertiser’s What’s On column.

“We love nature and are eager to teach our children the importance of nature so hiking will be a wonderful way to do this. I believe there are many child-friendly hikes offered by the Boksburg club.”

“There certainly are,” explained Ron.

“We have had people join us on hikes with children only six months old, and they remained members for many years. Of course you can’t do challenging hikes with small children, but there are many which are suitable.”

Another aspect of the Boksburg Hiking Club many aren’t aware of, is that the club arranges many excursions and outings for members. It’s not all about hiking….

Upcoming excursions include: a geological weekend in the Barberton area (September 15 and 16) and a Herman Charles Bosman cultural weekend in Groot Marico (October 21 and 22).

Upcoming hikes include a Heritage Day hike (September 25) and the Suikerbosrand beginners’ backpack weekend hike (September 30).

The club also offers a hike just after Christmas each year so that members can relax and walk off some of the festive cheer – and this year, from December 27 to 29, they’re hiking in Suikerboschfontein, near Carolina.

Ron told members the club’s website, www.boksburghiking.co.za, has been upgraded into a modern, interactive platform which includes online bookings. A full presentation on the new website will be given at the next meeting, on October 4.

The club meets at the Atlas Bowling Club on the first Wednesday of each month. There is a bring-and-braai from 6pm and the meeting starts at 7pm.

For more information or to book a hike or excursion, contact Boksburg Hiking Club secretary, Maria Allcock on 082 853 5719.

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