
Learners found in possession of dagga, weapon

Five learners from Hoërskool Voortrekker landed themselves in hot water after police found them in possession of illegal substances and a knife, in a surprise school search, on Thursday morning, August 31.

The Boksburg police, with members of the EMPD K9 Dog Unit, conducted a raid on the school.

They searched the learners and used drug-sniffing dogs to search the classrooms for dangerous weapons and illegal substances.

Thereupon, officers found one learner in possession of a knife, while four others were found in possession of dagga.

“The learners were not arrested, because they are underage, but they are facing disciplinary actions. All discovered items were seized,” said the Boksburg SAPS spokesperson, Sgt Cebisa Maseko.

Maseko said the visit to the school is part of their crime prevention strategy. She also revealed that the police had received complaints about criminal activities taking place at the school, including learners using drugs and carrying weapons. Maseko stated that they will continue to monitor the school.


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