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Alleged dagga dealer arrested at his Reiger Park shack

The Reiger Park SAPS has again made a major breakthrough in the fight against dagga trade in their policing precinct, on August 28.

This time police officers, acting on information received from the concerned community, arrested an alleged dagga dealer. They found him in possession of 1.982kg of dagga in his shack in Slovo informal settlement.

The 34-year-old man was charged with dealing and possession of dagga. He is expected to appear in court today, August 30.


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It is believed that the illegal herb was meant to supply the Reiger Park, Slovo informal settlement market, and be sold to children of the nearby schools.

This man was arrested when police found him in possession of dagga.

Reiger Park SAPS spokesperson, Sgt Mashudu Phathela, acknowledged that this was as a result of the good working relationship between the police and community members.

The station commander, Col Else Mashinini said she takes pride in the concerned community members who continue to act as eyes and ears of police in their neighbourhoods.

Community members are urged to report any suspicious behaviour to the police by calling the SAPS Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or give information – anonymously – to crime line by sending a text message to 32211.

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