Electrical substation an apparent home to vagrants

A concerned resident recently informed the Advertiser of a situation that could have disastrous consequences for both persons and property.

An electrical substation at 29 Atlas Road, Anderbolt, seems to be occupied by the homeless.

According to Clive Watkins, the lock of an electrical substation has been broken on two occasions by local street vendors or vagrants.

He has allegedly been unable to contact the Ekurhuleni metro, since their phones only ring and his emails have been ignored.

“One can only feel for the homeless trying to survive the elements, but the choice of location is extremely dangerous and something needs to be done to save them from themselves,” said Watkins.

The electrical substation in question.

“The three switches above the sleeping area are rated at 11 000 volts and, apart from the possibility of general electrical faults, if it is decided to collect copper cabling from these breakers as part of their survival, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

According to the Ekurhuleni metro spokesperson, Themba Gadebe, technicians were sent out and did locate a substation in Atlas Road.

The three switches are rated at 11 000 volts.

“However, no hazard was identified at this site.”

Watkins said: “If this is what they consider no fault and safe to occupy, then we are in trouble. Perhaps this is now an Ekurhuleni bed-and-breakfast rental property.”

The Advertiser has sent another query to verify whether the technicians were at the correct site.

We are still awaiting a response.

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