Boksburg North SAPS arrests murder and rape suspect

Boksburg North SAPS has arrested a suspect on charges of murder and rape on May 18.

Det-WO Vusi Tlemo made the arrest.

Boksburg North SAPS spokesperson Capt Juanita Coetzer said the complainant was sleeping in her room when a friend woke her up to come with him to the main house on October 13, 2016.

“He told her something didn’t look right. She walked with him to the elderly lady’s house and noticed that some windows, the front door and the security door were open.

“They called for the elderly lady, but she did not answer. They entered the house and went into her room.

“They switched on the light and found the woman lying on the floor, not breathing.”

The woman was declared dead on the scene.

The case is being investigated by Boksburg North Det-WO Tlemo.

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