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Oh, what a Russian affair!

It has always been on renowned local artist Barry de Villiers’s bucket list to host a Russian themed luncheon and now he can finally tick this wish off his list.

This year marked the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution – and, Barry’s 78th birthday.

So, all dressed in red, friends gathered at Frida’s Coffee Bar, in Germiston, on March 10, for Barry’s long-awaited Russian inspired event.

It was a fun morning, with everything Russian themed, of course – from Russian cuisine (vegetable soup and stroganoff pie) to Russian roulette and a Russian quiz.

Barry is fanatic about everything Russian.

Seen here are, back (from left): Natalia Roos, Joan Roos and Bev Yates. Front: Dawn Saunders and Annerose Labuschagne.

“I call myself a Russo-file,” he said.

Barry also launched his latest collection of artworks, Vrese van die Nag (Night Time Anxieties).

Photographer and friend Micha Hannemann said the works are a far cry from the type of art Barry usually produces.

“They differ vastly in approach, style, technique and size from anything I have seen Barry produce before.

“The artworks bear elements of darkness, dark colours, night, angst, fear, entrapment, confusion and despair. However, they also speak of angels, light-beings, hope and rising above the darkness.

“These seemingly terrifying images in fact contain beautiful symbols of hope and immortality.

“Barry has fully evolved, as all great artists do, growing and reaching new heights,” said Hannemann.

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