
Four SOCA injuries reported

What was supposed to be a peaceful State of the City Address (SOCA) on Wednesday, March 29, turned into a chaotic event which left one DA member and three EFF members injured.

The chaotic events unfolded when opposition parties refused to allow the mayor, Mzwandile Masina, to deliver his speech before they receive the requested investigation report from the Speaker of Council, Patricia Khumalo, about the violence that broke out during a previous council meeting in March.

Councillors continued to make a noise, asking for the report to be handed to them before they could move on.

The Speaker called them to order but things got out of hand and she then called in members of the EMPD to remove the EFF councillors from the chambers.

DA members then pulled out red cards signalling that the EMPD officers should leave the chambers and a conflict ensued between the DA, EFF and the officers. The meeting was then adjourned, while DA and EFF councillors held a separate caucus.

DA council chief whip, Tania Campbell, said one of their members was rushed to the hospital as a result of a chin injury.

Campbell said at the time she was concerned about the security of councillors in the chambers as they felt unsafe and were traumatised by what had happened.

The EFF members also complained that three of their members were injured.

One EFF member said he was against the fact that officers with guns were allowed to enter the chambers.

He asked what could have happened if a gun had randomly gone off.

The opposition parties then called for the Speaker, Khumalo, to be removed from the sitting.

The meeting was again adjourned while the ANC members went into caucus.

When the ANC members came back the chief whip of the ANC, Jongizizwe Dlabathi, said they had found no reason why the Speaker should be removed.

Dlabathi raised concerns that time was running out and suggested that the mayor go outside and address the public.

Masina made his way outside, followed by the ANC councillors, to the marquee, where various supporters of different political parties were seated.

None of the members from the DA and EFF were present during Masina’s speech outside the chambers.

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