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Suspected burglar arrested in Jansen Park

Following the Advertiser’s article Jansen Park crime spree, published in last week’s newspaper, dated Friday, March 17, an arrest has been made, which could offer a breakthrough in curbing the spate of burglaries.

Boksburg North SAPS spokesperson, Capt Juanita Coetzer, says on Wednesday, March 15, at around 2.30pm, police arrested a suspect in President Street.“He was found in possession of burglary equipment and we were able to recover stolen solar panels through this arrest.”

This arrest comes shortly after another burglary in Moore Street – on Sunday, March 12, at about 11am, while the residents were at church.

According to the police, the suspects broke the security gate motor, forced the front door open and fled with electrical equipment.

The Jansen Park community aims to enclose the area to ensure a safe environment for all residents.

About 140 residents have already signed a petition to this effect.

ALSO READ: Criminals running amok in Jansen Park

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