Department of Social Development workers down tools

Employees of the Boksburg social development office have joined the indefinite nationwide strike in the Department of Social Development.

This comes after the Department of Social Development failed to meet the demands that the workers have been making since 2015.

Workers affiliated to the National Health Education and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) downed tools on Monday, March 13, and have since been picketing outside the department’s offices located on Bank Street, Boksburg CBD.

Employees of the Boksburg social development office have on Monday joined the Nehawu nationwide strike over long-standing demands that have not been addressed by the employer.

Boksburg social development’s Makeke Mampholo, a union shop steward, said they were left with no choice but to strike.

“Our demands include the provision of tools of trade, a specific job description for social work, the placement of assistant community development practitioners on the correct salary level, introduction of a danger allowance, the occupational specific dispensation for social service professionals and occupations, absorption of unemployed social workers on a permanent basis and a range of other issues affecting employees,” said Mampholo.

Workers, affiliated to National Health Education and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) downed tools on Monday, and they have since been picketing outside the department’s offices located on Bank Street, Boksburg CBD.

Mampholo said their offices will remain closed and they will continue picketing until further notice. -@FanieFLK

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