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Criminals running amok in Jansen Park

Jansen Park has been hit by a spike in crime and the community is in the process of signing a petition to close off the suburb.

Clinton Festraets has been living with his family in Jansen Park since 2014.

His vehicle was stolen from the Villa Celeste complex in Edgar Road during the early morning hours of Thursday, March 2.

“The suspects forced open the security gate of the complex,” he said.

Later that day, his vehicle was recovered in Soweto, completely stripped.

The following day (Friday, March 3), another property in the same road was broken into, but this time in broad daylight, around 11.30am.

“They entered our property by breaking the gate motor. Fortunately our alarm went off as they cut open the security door, after forcing open the sliding door before fleeing the scene,” said Denise Manning.

And on Sunday, March 4, while the homeowners were at church, suspects gained access to their house in Moore Street and stole valuable items.

Apparently, suspects have been using the same techniques to gain entry to properties in Jansen Park.

Manning added that there have been gruesome attacks in the area.

“Two people who we know of have been attacked with an axe. I feel unsafe and restless in my own home, especially at night. Dogs in the area have also been poisoned lately.”

In 2014, a WhatsApp group called JP [Jansen Park] Community Cares Group was created for all Jansen Park residents to alert fellow residents to what’s happening in their area.

The group stands on approximately 250 members and growing.

“We alert each other to suspicious-looking vehicles parked in the park, missing pets wandering the streets, alarms going off and much more,” said Manning.

According to Festraets, so far, Jansen Park residents have been standing together: “Everyone helps one another.”

In light of the crime wave, the Jansen Park community has met with the Boksburg North SAPS and certain security companies, to discuss possible safety measures, on March 8.

“We would like to get assistance from the Boksburg North SAPS and our security companies to keep this community safe,” said Festraets.

One of the main points of discussion was the prospect of closing off Jansen Park, so that there are only the three main entrances into the area, namely the streets turning from Rietfontein Road, which are Rigg Street, Jacobs Street and Edgar Road.

According to Festraets, there are a lot of open entrances into Jansen Park, which is a major concern.

Clinton Festraets’s vehicle was stolen from Villa Celeste complex in Edgar Road, Jansen Park, on Thursday, March 2. It was recovered in Soweto, completely stripped.

“Pedestrians and motorists therefore have easy access to Jansen Park, which is of a great concern.”

About 41 residents have signed a petition to close off the area.

Another concern is the park in Vickors Street, as it seems to be a hot spot for drug dealing.

“It’s a place for our children, but they’re not safe there anymore,” said Festraets.

Festraets and Manning told the Advertiser that the streetlights in certain streets, specifically the park, are not working, which contributes to Jansen Park being an easy target for criminals.

“We need to jack up the security in the suburb and the only way to stop the crime is if everyone works together,” he said.

“I am going to get involved to do what I have to in order to combat crime.”

Anyone who would like to join the JP Community Cares Group on Whatsapp may contact Clinton on 076 541 1159.

Capt Juanita Coetzer, spokesperson for Boksburg North, said it is of utmost importance that any crime be reported to the SAPS, no matter how petty it seems.

“This includes from dogs being poisoned to burglaries. This way, the SAPS is aware of the crime taking place and can keep track thereof.

“Boksburg North SAPS is always willing to assist the community in the fight against crime. Together, we can keep the area safe.”


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