Bokkie Park ‘a disgrace’ – disgruntled resident

When Karien van Wyk and a friend, Joanne Christie, visited the Bokkie Park on February 26, they were disgusted by the state of the park, as well as the conditions the animals have to live in.

“Heartbreaking doesn’t even begin to describe it,” said Van Wyk.

She explained that there are no water bowls for the bunnies, no pellets or feeders for the bunnies, the cow, goats, sheep, pigs or horses, no food for the chickens or turkeys and no shelter for any animals. “The sorry excuses for shelters won’t even protect an ant,” she claimed.

Van Wyk said that there are angora bunnies running all over the park, which is the incorrect environment for that specific breed of bunny, as they need special care due to their fur.

Karien van Wyk was heartbroken after visiting the Bokkie Park with a friend on Sunday, February 26.

She claimed that all the hay was soaked, as it is left in the open “and for some of the animals the hay is a main food source”.

“Everything was flooded, as there was no proper provision made for any of the animals – and yes – I know we had a lot of rain recently; however, there should have still been proper provision made,” said Van Wyk.

According to Van Wyk, everything was flooded and there was no proper provision made for any of the animals.

“The chicken and turkey enclosure has rubbish lying around everywhere, including someone’s aluminium can collection. The chickens were all soaked and had to make their way through massive puddles of water and mud to try and get to us for some food.

“There isn’t any proper cover to protect them from rain and no drainage system in the enclosure and accordingly the water just builds up in the enclosure.”

There isn’t any proper cover to protect the animals from rain and no drainage system in the enclosure and accordingly the water just builds up in the enclosure, Van Wyk said.

According to Van Wyk, the train that used to be an attraction of the park is now someone’s living quarters.

“It’s dirty and smells and you can’t even come close to it.”

She said there is no dedicated workers area as equipment is all over the place and visitors have to walk through all the park equipment and food trucks to get to animal enclosures.

“There aren’t any proper paths to walk on and no proper access to the pigs, horses, goats and sheep,” said Van Wyk.

The condition of one of the bunnies at the Bokkie Park.

“The bridges available to cross over to get to enclosures are falling apart and have no railings and accordingly are dangerous, especially for children left unattended.

“The place is a disgrace and one can only ask where the money is going.”

On Sunday, March 4, Van Wyk arranged a park clean-up and a number of community members joined.

To get the community involved, Van Wyk created a Facebook page named Bokkie Park Community Group.

According to the Ekurhuleni metro spokesperson, Themba Gadebe, water is provided for all the animals that do not have access to the dam in the park.

He added that supplement feeding, such as pellets, is only required where sufficient natural pastures are not available.

“In the case of the Bokkie Park, there are more than sufficient natural pastures not only for the rabbits, but also for the other animals such as the cow, sheep and goats,” said Gadebe.

“The cow, sheep, goats and ponies stay together in a camp with stables at night. During the day the animals are placed in camps, provided with water, dry hay and natural pastures where they can graze for the entire day.”

Ekurhuleni metro spokesperson, Themba Gadebe, disagreed with Van Wyk, who said all the hay is soaked because it is left in the open. He provided the Advertiser with this picture.

Regarding the statement about the angora bunnies, Gadebe said that Ekurhuleni metro officials will investigate the allegation and remedial action will be taken.

He also disagreed with Van Wyk saying that all the hay is soaked, because it is left in the open. He provided the Advertiser with a picture (attached).

Gadebe also argued that the train coach is used as a guard-house. Part of the 2017/18 financial year renovations include the revamping of the train coach.

Gadebe said that part of the 2017/18 renovations budget is a complete new chicken coop and that all of Van Wyk’s other concerns will be addressed in the 2017/18 financial year renovations of the park.

“All of the animals are cared for in the best way possible and are checked on a weekly basis by trained horticulturists,” explained Gadebe.

“The park is furthermore inspected by the SPCA and a veterinarian is available 24 hours a day.”

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