Mine shaft drama: Search for boy (5) suspended

The rescue mission of the five-year-old boy who fell down a mine shaft on Saturday afternoon has been suspended until further notice.

It became evident the mission will be halted when the rescue team packed up their equipment just before 2pm.

Then Ekurhuleni MMC for Community Safety, Vivien Chauke, swiftly left the site with the family without uttering a word.

DEMS Spokesman William Ntladi briefed the media. He said the search team experienced challenges, including a massive rock fall.

Rescue operations at the mine shaft in Jerusalem informal settlement underway today. By the afternoon rescue operations has been suspended due to rock falls.

The first rock fall happened at about 60m down the shaft at 10am and then a secondary one followed at around 12.30pm.

The rock fall obstructed the team from going further down.

The search for the boy started on Saturday and Ntladi has admitted that it is now become a recovery mission considering the time the child spent down the shaft, the rock fall and the presence of acidic water.

Last night, an excavator cleared the area around the mine with the intention to make it easier for the rescue team to conduct their work.

However, the effort proved fruitless as the boy has still not been located.

In the meantime, illegal miners were still offering their services to help in the search today but Ntladi said that is not an option.

“We don’t just allow anybody down there without considering their safety aspect,” he said.

“Their offer to help has been taken into consideration but like I said there’s been massive rock fall and I can confirm there were no illegal activities taking place at this shaft before the incident occurred.”

He said those who have been conducting the search are professionals in the field.

“Surely they know what they mean when they say it’s unstable and dangerous down there in the mine?” said Ntladi.

Ekurhuleni mayor Mzwandile Masina is expected to address the media on the way forward this evening.


VIDEO: MMC shares way forward after search for boy was called off

WATCH: Illegal miner offers ‘expert’ advice how to retrieve boy (5) from shaft

Interview with devastated parents of child (5) who fell down mine shaft

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