Is your New Year’s resolution to start your own business?

Aspiring entrepreneurs often flirt with the idea of starting their own business as part of their New Year’s resolutions.

However, every indicator points to a sluggish economy, but the courage to see it through may just be the leap of faith that sets you apart in 2017.

Mags Ponnan, Head of Customer Value Propositions at FNB Business, said the South African economy is taking strain and the World Bank and Treasury are not posting significant GDP growth.

“It definitely a challenging environment for any business, more so a new business,” said . Ponnan.

“The upside to it is if you launch and successfully function in a depressed economy, your business will grow in leaps and bounds when the upswing finally does come.

Ponnan shared a few tips for entrepreneurs that want to start businesses in 2017:

“Starting a business is never easy, but it is an adventure worth exploring.  When you do get it right, the benefits are immense in spite of a slowing economy.

“Great ideas need a unique sales proposition – making a business work is based on good and meticulous research and being confident enough to take the leap,” conclude Ponnan.


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