Demands of work destroys Vos’ life

Well-known Boksburg businessman Jacobus Vos had such a love and passion for his work, that it eventually cost him his life.

Aged 62, Vos died from a heart attack on July 25, 2016.

He trained for a fitting and turning trade many moons ago and received his qualifications with recommendation, from the Voortrekkerhoogte Air Force (renamed Thaba Tswane) unit.

Vos started his first engineering business in 1987 in Boksburg.

“He was proud of his business, specifically the work he’d conducted,” said his wife, Lidia.

“He firmly believed in high-quality work and never gave his clients a poorly done job. He was a true perfectionist.”

Unfortunately due to the drop in the economy, there was no more work for Vos to be do, since last year October.

According to Lidia, he couldn’t cope with the idea that there was no business and work for him to do.

“It destroyed him and led to a fatal heart attack. He had such a huge passion for his work, that it cost him his life,” she said.

“Losing him was horrible and the engineering industry will miss him dearly.”

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