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St Anthony Education Centre’s golden 50 years

St Anthony’s Education Centre, in Reiger Park, celebrated its 50th anniversary, with former students gracing the event.

The late Father Stan Brennan, founder of the centre, was also honoured at the school’s golden jubilee celebration.

This milestone event started with the celebration of Mass at the St Francis of Assisi parish, in Reiger Park, conducted by the main celebrant, Bishop Duncan Tsoke, assisted by parish priest Father Anthony Spencer.

The Mass was attended by special guests such as the Franciscans, Sisters of Mercy, Dominican priests and sisters, Christian brothers, donors, partners, staff and students, both present and past.

Tsoke shared the vision of Father Stan, who was appointed parish priest in 1965 to the parish of St Francis of Assisi.

At the time, the parish of St Francis of Assisi was an old African church-cum-building with no electricity or running water.

Tsoke said Father Stan did everything wholeheartedly and his successes are evident in the outreach programmes he established, such as the St Francis Care Centre for terminally-ill HIV patients, House of Mercy (a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre), Mercy Haven for abused women and children, and St Anthony’s Day Care Centre for the senior citizens of Reiger Park.

“I would like to thank all the religious orders, boards, management, staff, parents, students and all those who keep the legacy of Father Stan alive.

“I am a product of St Anthony’s Education Centre, as I matriculated at the school. ”Students, please don’t waste your time, but take your studies seriously and keep on dreaming. Don’t be satisfied with second best options and don’t give up on life,” Tsoke said.

A new bricklaying shelter was officially revealed, displaying the name: “Father Stan Brennan Bricklaying Workshop”.

Attending the celebrations are (from left): Jimmy Thosago, Patricia Blair, Ana De Oliveira, Brian Mathabela (board chairperson), Father Anthony Spencer, Bishop Duncan Tsoke, Rose Webb (centre manager) and David Prinsloo.
Attending the celebrations are (from left): Jimmy Thosago, Patricia Blair, Ana De Oliveira, Brian Mathabela (board chairperson), Father Anthony Spencer, Bishop Duncan Tsoke, Rose Webb (centre manager) and David Prinsloo.

The facility was sponsored by Respond Housing Ireland.

The St Anthony’s Library was also renamed the Father Stan Brennan Library. It was officially opened by Denis Esau, a long serving and now retired librarian.

The St Anthony’s guests were treated to a luncheon, where they were welcomed by the chairperson of the board, Brian Mathabela, while centre manager Rose Webb shared the history of St Anthony’s Education Centre.

According to Webb, despite the political and various challenges St Anthony’s Education Centre faced during its 50 years of existence, it continues to be a hive of activity, accommodating over 1 200 learners a day from all walks of life, especially the surrounding poor communities.

Educational and skills training programmes are offered at St Anthony’s Education Centre.

The Skills Training Programme was established in 1995, to offer vocational skills training to the unemployed and out-of-school youth over the age of 17 years.

Vocational skills courses include welding, plumbing, motor mechanics, diesel mechanics, electrical installation, computers, bricklaying and construction carpentry.

The Franciscan Matric Project was established in 1986, in response to students who had either failed matric or were unable to write exams due to school disruptions, because of the political unrest in the East Rand townships.

The project has since then grown to include Grade 10 and 11 learners.

The matric pass rate for 2015 was 89.3 per cent.

“The St Anthony’s Education Centre’s mission of changing the lives of those it serves is made possible by the many generous donations and funding partners who have supported the school over the years,” said Webb.

“The centre relies on donations, student fees and subsidies, as 90 per cent of learners are from impoverished families.

“We, therefore, thank God for sustaining us for five decades.

“I would like to express gratitude to all our donors, partners, parents, learners and religious orders, especially the Order of Friars Minor, St Anthony’s Club, Catholic Women’s Leagues of St Francis and St Dominic’s, who have contributed to the success of St Anthony’s Education Centre over the years.

“We stand on the shoulders of giants and salute our founder, the late Father Stan Brennan.”


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