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Boksburg beauty shines bright in Italy

It was a due to a blessing out of the blue that Shene Kruger realised her dream of becoming a model, after winning the Eastgate Look of Fashion 2015 pageant.

Shene had not initially made it to the Top 16, but was offered another chance after a fellow contestant dropped out of the competition.

She grabbed the opportunity with both hands and ended up conquering the pageant on October 16.

“My big break came about while I was walking in the Eastgate Shopping Centre,” she said.

“I was scouted by one of the Eastgate Look of Fashion co-ordinators, who told me about the competition. I then decided to enter, in order to kick-start my modelling career.”

Shene said part of the prize she won was a trip to Italy, to represent South Africa at the Ragazza Cinema, a competition that creates awareness of the young women.

The 19-year-old,  Shene Kruger. recently took part in the Ragazza Cinema pageant competition, held in Italy- she won the title of the best international photo model and finished second overall, on September 24.
The 19-year-old, Shene Kruger. recently took part in the Ragazza Cinema pageant competition, held in Italy- she won the title of the best international photo model and finished second overall, on September 24.

On September 24 this year, she took part, winning the title of best international photo model and finishing second overall.

“The pageant focused on empowering young women and it also opened doors in the film and photography industry,” Shene said.

“During the pageant, I learnt that hard work and long hours pay off.

“I also learnt that you should never see anyone as competition; we are all unique individuals with different talents and attributes to offer.

“I learnt to live in the moment and to cherish all the opportunities, with a humble attitude.

The Parkrand beauty added that communicating in Italian was a challenge for her in that country.

Shene Kruger, when she was crowned the winner of the Eastgate Look of Fashion 2015 pageant.
Shene Kruger, when she was crowned the winner of the Eastgate Look of Fashion 2015 pageant.

“Everything was conducted in Italian. I tried to translate here and there, but it was very difficult,” she said.

”However, despite the communication barrier, this was one of my greatest experiences yet.”

The 19-year-old matriculated at Boksburg High School in 2015 and she plans to study acting next year.

She is a hardworking and a dedicated individual who likes seeing people smile.

“I am passionate about animals and abused children and I use my modelling platform to reach out in these areas,” she explained.

“I enjoy travelling and learning new things and pageants and photographic modelling have become a major part of my life.”

Shene said she aspires to be Miss South Africa, as this the greatest platform for South African women who want to inspire and change the lives of others.

She also wants to be the epitome of a strong woman who refuses to gives up, regardless of what she faces in her life.

The teen advised young people to never give up on their dreams, even when they seem unrealistic.

“If you set your mind to something, work hard and remember that nothing in life is free,” she said.

”With hard work and dedication you can achieve anything, so stay focused and never lose sight of the bigger picture.

”Embrace your journey, enjoy every moment, put Christ first in all that you do and you will be sure to succeed.”


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