Alleged robber shot dead in his shack

A 23-year-old man wanted for robbery was shot and killed in Ramaphosa, Extension Five, during the early hours of Saturday, October 29.

According to Reiger Park SAPS spokesperson, Sgt Mashudu Phathela, a witness told investigators that Brandon Joste, aka the ‘Blood’, was gunned down in his shack by two unknown men.

“The witness to the shooting was in Joste’s shack when he heard someone knocking on the door at about 1.15am.

“Upon opening the door he noticed that his friend Joste was being pursued by two balaclava-clad men, one armed with a shotgun,” said Phathela.

“To escape from his assailants, Joste reportedly tried to find refuge in his shack, but the two men gained entry. They then shot him,’ said Phathela.

One of the bullets hit him in the head, and another bullet smashed through his ribs.

He died at the scene.

No arrests have been made so far, but police are investigating a murder case.

Anyone with information is urged to call the investigating officer Det W/O Ben Olifant on 011 916 7000.

Phathela said that the shooting occurred less than three days after Joste allegedly robbed someone of R5 00 and a cellphone in the township.

“At this stage, we can’t confirm if the killing is related to the said robbery case,” said Phathela.

* The police are also concerned about the high rate of assaults they believe are fueled by alcohol consumption.

Fourteen assault cases were reported to the police in one weekend (October 28 to 30).

“This is a serious issue. Alcohol-related assaults are becoming worse in Reiger Park.

“We are appealing to the community at large to respect each other and stop fighting and always seek to communicate instead of resorting to violent conflict.

“The community need to drink responsibly and take care of themselves.

“As we are approaching the festive season, we warn the community that they will be arrested for any kind of crime being reported against them,” said Phathela.

* Below is a breakdown of the arrests made by the Reiger Park SAPS during the period between between October 24 and 31.


Theft: 11

Malicious damage to property: 3

Assault GBH: 7

Possession of illegal substance (Drugs): 11

Common assault: 3

House breaking : 2

Robbery: 1

Rape: 1

Dealing in liquor without a licence / permit: 2

Possession of dangerous weapon: 1

Drunken and driving: 3

Reckless and negligent driving: 1

Perjury: 1

Attempted theft: 4

Attempted murder: 2

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