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Cheers! to Just Brewing Co.

Local craft brewery Just Brewing Co. has made it to the finals of a worldwide competition and now stand the chance of going to BrauBeviale, a huge beer conference and trade show, in Germany.

The competition is hosted by Petainer Brewers and the winner will be a VIP guest at Europe’s leading brewing fair, at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre, in November.

The winners will be flown there, where they will be introduced to all sorts of equipment and ingredients related to the beer industry.

Boksburg’s local brewery is one of the 10 finalists in the competition.

Just Brewing Co. is the only brewery from Gauteng in the finals and is currently leading the race to get a South African brewery there.

“We have been fighting for top spot throughout the competition, with the Crooked Spider Brewery, from the UK,” said Wendy Pienaar, from Just Brewing Co.

The first round of the competition launched in early September.

Entrants had to post a picture of themselves enjoying a beer, with a brief history of the brewery and its speciality.

Just Brewing Co.’s photo booked them a place in the second and final round, where they had to enter a video which gives more information on the brewery and why they’d like to win the VIP trip to BrauBeviale.

Vote for local brewery, Just Brewing Co., for them to win a VIP trip to BrauBeviale, at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre, in November.
Vote for local brewery, Just Brewing Co., for them to win a VIP trip to BrauBeviale, at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre, in November.


“We’d like to go to Germany to see how German trade shows presented are and to taste new beers,” said Pienaar.

“We are super excited at the possibility of going to Nuremberg to see how things are done there and possibly use some of the ideas at Beer Boot Camp 2017, as well as in our brewery.”

The competition ends at midnight tomorrow, Friday, October 14, and the winner will be announced on Monday, October 17.

To vote for Just Brewing Co., watch and ”like” their video here (move the cursor on the videos to see the name of the brewery).

How great would it be for a Boksburg brewery to make it to Germany?

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