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Cupcakes to bring plenty of hope

The National Cupcake Day will, this year, be held on Saturday, September 24, at the East Rand Mall.

Every September, in celebration of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and to support Cupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer, Cupcakes of Hope stages this event as part of their main fund-raiser.

Malls around South Africa participate to raise funds to help children battling with cancer.

Michelle Larsen, Cupcake of Hope’s National Party of Hope coordinator, will host the event at the East Rand Mall (in the court outside Clicks), from 8am till late.

“It is going to be a day filled with fun for everyone, with around 4 000 donated cupcakes to be displayed on the day. For only a R10 donation you can receive a delicious cupcake,” said Larsen.

“For your donation you will also be able to utilise our selfie box and get a photo print to take home.”

Cupcakes of Hope is a non-profit company, with the mission to create awareness of the early warning signs of childhood cancer and to support families who have been affected by childhood cancer, by raising funds.

These funds are used to help with financial burdens like medical expenses and other day-to-day costs (transport, food hampers and school fees).

The members do all this through their love of baking cupcakes.

The funds raised to date have helped numerous children, as well as related charities.

In 2011, Cupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer set a new world record for the most cupcakes on display: 21 000.

Through this achievement Cupcakes of Hope was able to raise R200 000, with the funds being donated to Reach for A Dream, Cansa Vereeniging and towards paying for the medical costs of three cancer patients.

“Hearing your child has cancer must be the most terrifying words a parent can hear. Most of us we are fortunate that we haven’t heard those words, but can you, just for a moment, imagine feeling completely helpless, knowing the harsh reality of what the outcome can be?” said Larsen.

“But, with lots of love, hope and prayer, a lot of these little warriors walk this road with smiles on their faces, still play and are normal children, all the while facing challenges most of us will never face.

“This is a road I have not walked, but I have spent a lot of time with parents and their warriors who battle cancer, to just try to get a glimpse of their world – and it’s hard, very hard.

“The moms and dads also have to be super heroes ,as they are not allowed to be emotional or become discouraged in front of their children.

”They also face financial problems, some even lose their jobs because of the pressure at home having to deal with a child with cancer.

“Most families I have met have had one parent who had to leave their job to be with their brave warrior. Losing an income in today’s times is no joke, so put yourself in that position.

“This is why I urge the East Rand community to support this cause and to help families with a child battling cancer.

”We can make a difference, one cupcake at a time.”

For more info visit www.cupcakesofhope.org.

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