Top tips for adopting a rescue animal

With animal shelters bursting at the seams with unwanted pets, the choice to adopt is an admirable one and one that will not support the highly unethical practice of backyard breeding as is often the case when buying from pet shops

This is according to the Pet Food Industry Association of Southern Africa (PFI) that says this, however, does not negate the responsibility that comes with welcoming a new animal into your life.


The PFI urges potential new pet owners to consider the following before deciding on their new companion (keeping in mind this is a lifelong commitment):

  1. Consider your lifestyle and home environment and adopt according to what suits you:


  1. Be intent on exercising responsible pet ownership:


  1. Adopt with an open mind:


  1. Prepare yourself for setting boundaries when the new pet comes home:

The PFI reminds that no other person is in a position to make the above decisions for the owner. Therefore buying pets as gifts is therefore never a good idea.

* The PFI is a non-profit, industry association, made up of industry players that, by becoming a member, commit to the same principles and ethics of the PFI – to uphold safe, quality pet nutrition, which has the best interests of the pet as its sole purpose.

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