Learners taught basic water saving skills

The Ekurhuleni Metro embarked on a three-week long water educational campaign at schools throughout Ekurhuleni, which started on February 15 and ended on March 7.

Reiger Park Primary and Windmill Park Primary were among the schools that were visited by officials from the Department of Water and Sanitation, who shared knowledge about the need to save water with the learners, and gave them tips on how to do so.

The campaign was themed “Water is life and sanitation is dignity”.

Officials from the department have been spreading their message through practical exercises with the children and handing out educational materials.

Learners also had an opportunity to participate in practical activities, such as repairing water leaks, which are a main cause of water loss in Ekurhuleni.

According to project manager Pearl Lediga, from the department, the campaign was a success based on the great response from the children.

Some of the tips which were shared with the youngsters are:

* Save water, conserve water, respect water.

* Report leaking water meters, sewer blockages and burst pipes on 0860 543 000.

* Avoid building on the municipal sewer lines as, if the water pipe bursts, the whole building will be affected.

* Avoid flushing foreign objects (condoms, sanitary pads, newspapers) as they damage the sewer system.

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