
Sunward Park High celebrates 96 per cent pass rate

Sunward Park High School is among the top achieving schools in Gauteng following their 96.31per cent matric pass rate.

A total number of 258 matriculants sat for the 2015 matric exams. A total of 235 learners passed, with 14 getting incomplete results and only nine failing.

Of those who passed, 52.34 per cent qualified to study for bachelor’s degrees while 38.29 per cent qualified for diploma and 9.36 per cent for higher certificate sudies.

The school’s pass rate dropped from 96.9 per cent in 2014.

Sunward achieved a total of 159 distinctions with the top learners obtaining seven and six distinctions respectively.

Deputy school principal Enoch Thango said as a school they are relatively happy with the class of 2015’s performance and it is time they celebrate with the achievers.

He attributed their achievements to the hard work and dedication of both the learners and teachers.

“The intervention programme has ensured that we keep our pass rate almost the same as in the previous year – we experienced only a 0.6 per cent drop while the national average drop was 5.1 per cent,” said Thango.

Thango added that they can’t wait for the results of the class of 2016, which will see the real impact of their e-learning project.

“As from the beginning of this year, teachers will have more control of the learners’ tablets and assessment (informal and formal) will be much more controlled than in the past.

“The communication with parents will be real-time. Congratulations to the class of 2015.”

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