CHRISTMAS MESSAGE: Mayor wishes all residents peace and harmony

Executive Mayor, Clr Mondli Gungubele, writes:

We are approaching the end of yet another gruesome, yet exciting year. It has been a very long and tiring journey.

As political parties, we once again had our differences, but in the main we were able to continue with that which we are here to do, providing a critical service to our people.

Indeed, we can look back at a year that was and agree that we played our part.

Yes, there were service delivery protests here and there.

Yes, certain things did not go the way we would have planned. Be that as it may, the positives simply out-weigh the negatives.

Here is wishing you, the people of this wonderful city, a relaxed and peaceful festive season which you must use to recharge your batteries, so that when you return next year, you are geared to take on the rest of the world.

May this festive season fill your life with bright and precious moments. It must bring you lots of sweet and pleasant surprises.

To all the residents and various stakeholders: thank you once again for keeping us on our toes. I just want to say thank you and add that it has been a pleasure working with you, as always.

Your devotion to the business of government continues to guide us as we pursue the mandate you gave us almost five years ago.

You remain our strategic partners and together we can build a much better Ekurhuleni.

As you all take time off from a hectic year that was, please do so in peace and harmony. Embrace those next to you and make a difference to those less fortunate.

After all, the festive season is a time of giving, so let us all play our part and make a difference to those in need. Rejoice in the spirit of the festive season with friends, family and colleagues.

If you will be travelling by any chance, obey the rules of the road, mainly the following: Do not drink and drive; have enough rest before taking the wheel; respect other road-users and make sure your vehicle is roadworthy.

Have a blessed Christmas and a blisteringly prosperous 2016.

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