WATCH VIDEO: Ekurhuleni Speaker enforces fascist behaviour in council – DA

Three DA members has accused the Ekurhuleni speaker of enforcing fascist behaviour.

This is after they were removed from the monthly council meeting yesterday morning, November 26.

In a statement issued by Ashor Sarupen, MPL, DA Springs-Daveyton Constituency Head, he said the speaker of the Ekurhuleni Council, Clr Patricia Kumalo, jackbooted over democracy by using the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) to forcefully prevent himself and two of his colleagues from carrying out their constitutional role of oversight.

“Myself, Paul Willemburg MPL and Jordan Lotriet, a DA member, were present at the monthly council meeting in Germiston, seated in the public gallery among journalists and concerned residents of the metro.

“We were taking pictures of the proceedings, like many others in the gallery when the Speaker singled out myself and Lotriet and ordered EMPD officials to forcefully remove us from the gallery.

“She also insisted that the EMPD delete any photographs and videos they may have on our phones of the day’s proceedings – illegally, before returning them to the chamber.

“Upon return, Speaker Kumalo then singled me out and ordered EMPD to subject me to the same rough and barbarous treatment.

“Despite not having taken photographs or videos, my phone was forcefully taken from me and, without a warrant, searched.

“As a member of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, oversight over local government performance is critical.

“This move by ANC is a warning to voters who next year have the power to get rid of tyranny and elect a government that is for freedom, not against it.

“I have laid charges against Patricia Kumalo at the Germiston Police Station and will ensure that this fascist act this does not become the norm.”


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