Busy week for Boksburg North SAPS members

The following cases were reported to the Boksburg North SAPS:

* Theft of copper

Three suspects were arrested for stolen copper on November 17.

A Metro Police officer received information about stolen copper in a truck that was travelling on Main Reef Road, Anderbolt, at around 8.30am.

“When the officer saw the truck, he stopped it and searched it,” said Boksburg North SAPS communications officer Lieut Juanita Coetzer.

“He found the stolen copper and arrested three suspects.”

A case of stolen copper was opened and the suspects were detained at the Boksburg North SAPS.

* Attempted robbery at business premises

A total of four suspects were arrested and detained by the Boksburg North SAPS for armed robbery.

The complainant reported for duty on the corner of Kelly and Harold Flight roads, Jet Park, on November 19, at about 6pm.

According to Coetzer, at around 7.46pm, more than five males approached the complainant.

“One of the suspects pointed a firearm at him and ordered him to hand over a work suit,” she said.

The suspects tied up the complainant with shoe laces and left.

A while later, the complainant heard three gunshots.

“He managed to loosen the laces and saw the suspects jumping a fence wall and running away,” said Coetzer.

Security eventually apprehended one man.

The SAPS were called and three more suspects were apprehended.

A case of attempted business robbery was opened. No one was injured during the robbery.

* Possession of housebreaking equipment

The Boksburg North SAPS sector vehicle received a complaint of suspicious people walking around the streets in Ravensklip, on November 19, at approximately 12.30pm.

The sector vehicle drove around to see if they could see the people.

“Upon arriving at the corner of Staats and Reguit streets, they noticed three suspects,” said Coetzer.

“They stopped and search them and found allen keys in their possession.”

They were arrested and detained at the Boksburg North Police Station.

* Possession of stolen motor vehicle

A suspect was arrested for the possession of a stolen motor vehicle, on November 18.

The Boksburg North SAPS sector vehicle received a complaint of theft of a motor vehicle just after 1am..

Upon arrival in Northrop Street, Impala Park, they met a tracking member.

“He pointed out the stolen vehicle, a BMW 320 I, with the suspect sitting inside,” said Coetzer.

”Further investigation revealed the vehicle was stolen in Durban.

“The suspect could not explain the possession of the motor vehicle. He was arrested and a case of possession of a stolen motor vehicle was opened.”

The suspect was detained by the Boksburg North SAPS.

* Theft out of motor vehicle and possession

The Boksburg North sector vehicle received a complaint of theft out of a motor vehicle, on November 18.

Upon arrival in Yaldwin Road, Jet Park, at around 6.15pm, the officers found the complainant next to his vehicle, which had a broken window.

“The complainant told the officers he witnessed the attempted break-in and that the suspects had fled in a silver Honda Ballade,” said Coetzer.

“The sector vehicle then noticed the Honda and approached it. They stopped the vehicle, searched it and found possible stolen items in the suspects’ possession.”

Two suspects were arrested and taken to the Boksburg North Police Station.

* Theft of diesel

A suspect was arrested for the theft of 40lt of diesel, on November 21.

The Boksburg North Crime Prevention vehicle received information about people draining diesel illegally at around 4pm.

“Officers drove around, spotted the suspected vehicle and stopped it. They searched it and found 40lt of diesel.

“They asked the suspect to produce proof of purchase, but he could not do this, or explain from where he had got it,” said Coetzer.

The suspect was arrested and detained for theft of diesel. – @IschkeBoksburg

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